EntrepreneursLeadershipPeople I admire

Why should you spend money on a business coach

Discover why Codie Sanchez’s £120,000 investment in a business coach is a game-changer for entrepreneurs. This bold move highlights the importance of strategic mentorship and the ‘Who Not How’ philosophy in business growth. Uncover key insights from her experience and learn how this approach can transform your entrepreneurial journey, especially in the competitive European market.

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EntrepreneursFeeling GoodLeadershipWomen, You are Special

What is in Store for 2023?

So many are writing articles about new year’s resolutions, making this next year the year for success, changing habits, moving forward…. Doing. Doing. Doing! ™   But what if? What if when no one is watching you… what are you really doing? In fact, Congruency is what shapes your character! So instead of just setting…

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EntrepreneursFantastic FragrancesFeeling Good

Reflection on 2021. Small steps together make a giant leap!

As we start to unwind and reflect on the past year, and build next years goals and objectives, I though I would share some wins… because we haven’t had many opportunities to chat in networking events! Hopefully we will be together soon, Stay safe, get vaccinated and love each other! My first and loyal work…

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Feeling GoodFrançaisGovernance

Chef de PME, vous n’êtes pas seul en temps de crise !

Ce n’est pas le moment de porter des accusations, il est temps de retrousser ses manches, troquer les talons pour des baskets, et aider. Rien ne va plus ! Vous êtes entrepreneur. Le COVID19 a tout changé. Votre entreprise s’écroule. Plus de chiffre d’affaires ; plus de client ; vous êtes seule face à l’immensité…

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Une publicité dénonce la manière insidieuse dont on décourage les filles d’étudier les sciences

Une nouvelle publicité pour la marque Verizon et le site axé sur les femmes Makers remporte un franc succès outre-Atlantique. Cette vidéo intitulée « Inspire her mind » enjoint les adultes de changer leur manière de s’adresser aux petites filles afin de ne pas les décourager de se lancer dans des études scientifiques. – Une…

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Finally, a Woman on the ECB Board

See on Scoop.it – Performance On Boards I participated in an “Online Citizen’s Dialogue” yesterday evening with Viviane Reding, Vice President of the European Commission (that’s me on the bottom right). I made it through a whole qualific… Helen Forlani‘s insight: And so slowly but surely gender equlity gap in the ECB is reduced. Bravo for…

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It is Not Easy

Until you’ve found pain, you won’t reach the cure Until you’ve given up life, you won’t unite with the supreme soul Until you’ve found fire inside yourself, like the Friend, You won’t reach the spring of life. Rumi   I am awake to the pain that has entered and overtaken my body. This is so…

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