Helen is a visionary entrepreneur who helps future leaders transform the systemic business process in order to scale up and sustain a viable business. She works with young entrepreneurs and experienced professionals to help them visualise what’s possible and achieve results. Whether it is a seed start-up, or a company that is going through challenging times, Helen brings clarity and motivates the individual to reach their goal with innovative approaches, positive energy and laughter.

Tell me your ideas,
Share your concerns,
Together, we will transform them into your Success!
Helen helps bring out the best in you to build your business.
“If you have an idea, that you genuinely think is good,
don't let some idiot talk you out of it.”
Stan Lee 2017
“Helen sait animer les sessions et faire en sort que les projets et pitches sont délivrés avec panache et animation. Son bon humeur, son énergie débordant et ses conseils font que souvent les élèves de ses équipent gagnent les concours!”

Laurence Halifi
“I have the great pleasure organizing events with Helen and her contribution is always outstanding, warm and smily Thank you so much Helen!”

Dominique Falque
“Que ce soit pour un cours un atelier ou un événement avec Helen c’est avoir la certitude que le résultat sera atteint et dans la bonne humeur. Helen a cette capacité rare à motiver et coacher une équipe, mettant son agilité à s’adapter à toute sorte de situations``

Nadine Reichenthal
“Helen Gailey-Forlani is an outstanding cosmopolitan professional whom I am proud to recommend to business partners and clients. She is very sensitive to brand and product specifics, excellent communicator and an intelligent person.”

Julia Bevzenko
Helen is a transformative entrepreneur, coach, speaker, a wife, a sister, a daughter, a mother of 3 young adults, 3 stepdaughters with husbands, and even 5 step grand children!
Here are my strengths, according to the Gallup Organisation
Senior Coach
Launched YES.Academy: Youth Entrepreneurship, Skills, Coaching Kids to be entrepreneurs
Senior Coach
What I enjoy the most is observing how young entrepreneurs become excited to see their project materialize and evolve, with the culmination and stress of pitching to a jury or a camera. Transforming shyness to self-confidence.
Business Coach
From Corporate to Entrepreneur
Get your Business Going
Do you want to be a entrepreneur? Fed up with the Corporate world, or looking to transition to be your own boss? Lets work your project, Buy a company, or create one...
Telling a story with passion
Invite Helen to animate and motivate your conference or event.
Good For My Planet
Good for Me !
Association Good For My Planet
Helen co-launched an association to motivate best practices and learn fun and easy actions, to start making a difference for this world and fight climate change.
Helen Christine Gailey
With A Different Hard Drive* brain, a Spanish mother, an Irish/English father, married to a French man she is multicultural and multilingual. Helen is stimulated with passion and energy when she is constantly learning something new. With her mind set, and her curiosity she will rapidly become familiar with a project or a subject and learn, research and foresee visionary ideas.
Non Executive Director
Board Member
Non Executive Director
Open to a Board position
Team Building
Generating High Performance Teams
Team building
No one is perfect but a Team can be.
TEAM = Together Everyone Achieves More.
Using Belbin Team roles.
Art of Smell
Discovering Olfactory Sensations.
Team building with perfume creation.
Art of Smell- Olfactory
Art of Smell is a small company that carries out workshops, story telling the discovery of fragrances and unique smells, and team building events.