8.000 mujeres se ofrecen como consejeras

See on Scoop.it – Performance On Boards Escuelas de negocios de la UE lanzan un registro de profesionales preparadas para los consejos de administración. Las empresas lo aplauden pero se resisten a las cuotas Helen Forlani‘s insight: All over Europe, one is talking of the 8000 Global Board Ready Women, here in Spain See on…


It is Not Easy

Until you’ve found pain, you won’t reach the cure Until you’ve given up life, you won’t unite with the supreme soul Until you’ve found fire inside yourself, like the Friend, You won’t reach the spring of life. Rumi   I am awake to the pain that has entered and overtaken my body. This is so…


Cleaning the Clutter

Hello, The sun is shining and this always gives me a smile, I want to go out and sing the joy. Well one month has past since the thrilling course at IMD. At the end of the course I found myself imagining a Rosebud, beautiful but closed. One can see that it will be a…


Where to start? At the begining!

I recently attended IMD to participate in an extraordinary course of Leadership. I was fortunate to have won the Career Woman’s Forum/IMD Award and I thank them for choosing my project. I will of course share this project. This past week has been very moving from many points of view. Firstly because I had the…
